Sunday, 30 August 2009
"Anne Hathaway Somebody To Love"
I think it was a good decision making the movie like this. When I first saw this I think I really liked it, except for the fact where Anne Hathaway nearly stabs Char because I thought Anne Hathaway was actually going to do it. It was a good way to make the movie interesting to little kids, though.
Anne Hathaway's very pretty and have a excellent voice.
that's amazing :D
Source: youtube
Labels: Anne-Hathaway
Friday, 21 August 2009
"Anne Hathaway vs Steve Carell Movie Mastermind"
LOL Get Smart was a GREAt movie!! :D
Anne Hathaway vs Steve Carell Movie Mastermind Their chemistry was sooo good!
Anne Hathaway vs Steve Carell Movie Mastermind, They really are so charming together. Anne's bubbliness compliments Steve's dry sarcasm and calm demeanor so well. Steve's so cute. They're so funny together! :D. Steve carrel is the best.... anna doesn't show one bit of expressing herself more to pll
lol malrovia! i loved anne hathaway's reaction when Steve Carell was guessing!
BTW...Is it just me or does anne hathaway just has the most beautifulist smile ever. everytime she smile wow i just go under her spell lol so beautiful
Love Em!lol
Anyway :D She's so genuinely sweet. Anne Hathaway's laugh at the end ^_^
Source: youtube citylife.co.uk
Labels: Anne-Hathaway
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Kate Hudson or Anne Hathaway?
Yeah... As an actress, I'd say Anne Hathaway's better.
But I loved Kate Hudson's character in Almost Famous, so it's a bit of a tossup.
by Clare
Anne Hathaway! She is going to be excellent as the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland 2010, even though her eyebrows are annoying me in the pictures.-
by candychs...
i like anne hathaway better. i like alot of movies shes been in and shes really pretty..but kate hudsons ok too..but i had to pick by Meg
Kate Hudson I still cant believe anne hathaway is a star she is so plain
and boring kate is fun hip and love her moviesby Zma
Kate Hudsonby LoOune
Kate Hudson!
Labels: Anne-Hathaway
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Anne Hathaway, she Brings Hollywood Glamour to Venice...
She was every inch the Hollywood starlet as she arrived at the Venice Film Festival on Wednesday. Anne Hathaway was there to present her latest film, 'Rachel Getting Married', which is appearing in competition at the festival.
but i love Anne Hathaway
You don't LITERALLY become a smoker for a role; you're pretending.
If she "quit" smoking, then she was a smoker before the movie.
anne is veryy beautiful and the movie is really boring
Labels: Anne-Hathaway