Sunday, 31 October 2010

No Khan?

It seems Khan will not be appearing in the sequel to Abrams' Star Trek. All I can say is that I'm pleased. I don't want Khan rebooted. Check out the article here. Oh, and give me a break that Star Trek is equal to The Wrath of Khan.

It'll be "The Dark Knight Rises" and the Riddler is not the villian. Some people are complaining of course. But all I have to say is that Nolan is a genius and it will be good. Check it out here.

Really? I'd have thought everyone involved with the first one would have been banished from Hollywood. But what do I know? Let's just pray it's better or even just halfway decent. Here's a bit of info.

Here's a cool bit on a man who produced most of the movies I loved as a child. Read the article here.

Friday, 29 October 2010

I ran across this nice little tidbit. It's a short interview with director Danny Boyle at

Mr. Spielberg has decided to take on the end of the world against a robot hoard. And I'm for it! Anything that gets him back to science fiction is cool to me. Here's a bit from the article:

"Robopocalypse embodies an imaginative story of a robot rebellion unleashed against the human race," said Mark Sourian, who's announcing the project with his co-prexy Holly Bario. "This is a project we immediately sparked to and with Steven directing it we knew it was in the best possible hands to bring it to worldwide audiences."

Read more here.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Anne Hathaway - It Gets Better
Anne Hathaway
Gets Better Anne Hathaway
's Beautiful message...

I appreciate it very much. Visibility and acceptance is so important.


This is Trevor Project.. Trevor Project is doing to help in this fight. The work's Trevor Project doing is amazing and's a constant, solid foundation for so many to stand on when they need it.

Below TheJackKetsoyan video shown 'It Gets Better' says.. If you're being bullied in school, you're not alone. There is someone here for you - someone who cares and understands. Call The Trevor Project, a confidential, toll-free, suicide hotline for gay & questioning youth. It gets better!

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