Monday, 31 January 2011
Here's the interview: Director Jonathan Liebesman, Producer’s Ori Marmur & Jeffrey Churnov, James D. Dever, and Screenwriter Chris Bertolini On Set Interview BATTLE: LOS ANGELES
Here is another trailer, posters and some pictures.
Labels: movie
Sunday, 30 January 2011
I hope someone picks it up. The book is awesome and I'd love to see it on the big screen.
Star Trek writers and Wolverine director pen script to Ender's Game
Labels: movie
Friday, 28 January 2011
Wow. Well, I'm probably not going to get any more work done today...
GM's should use common sense when allowing players to gain certain skills. Consider a character's past and back story before allowing for example: assassination. Again, common sense is a good guide.
Master Skill List
Armored Vehicle Operation*
Atmospheric Craft
Ground Vehicles
Water Craft
Armored Vehicle Tech*
Atmospheric Craft
Ground Vehicles
Water Craft
Artistic Expression*
Civil Engineering
Clandestine Ops
Cloaking Procedures
Cloaking Device Tech
Combat StrategyTactics*
Boarding Action
Planetary Combat
Small Unit
Zero G
Comm Sys Op
Comm Sys Tech
Computer Op
Computer Tech
Damage Control Proc
Deflector Shield Op
Deflector Shield Tech
Electronics Tech
Environmental Suit Op
3-D Chess
Heavy Weaponry Op
Heavy Weaponry Tech
Holodeck Interrogation
Holodeck Sys Op
Holodeck Sys Tech
Intelligence Proc
Inter-Planetary Relations
Alpha Centauran
Bzzit Khaht
Life Sciences*
General Biology
Life Supp Sys Tech
Marksmanship, Archaic*
Marksmanship, Modern
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Sciences*
Gen Med, 1st Aid
General Medicine
Mining Equip Ops
Mining Equip Tech
Personal Combat, Armed*
Personal Combat, Unarmed
Personal Weapons Tech
Physical Sciences*
Computer Science
Planetary Sciences*
Planetary Survival*
Cool Temperate
Warm Temperate
Port Deflect Op
Port Deflect Tech
Security Procedures
Shuttlecraft Pilot
Shuttlecraft Sys Tech
Small Equip Sys Op
Small Equip Sys Tech
Small Vessel Engineering
Small Vessel Pilot
Social Science*
General Philosophy
Political Sci
Space Science*
Parrises Squares
Starship Helm Op
Starship Sensors
Starship Services
Starship Sys Integration
Starship Weaponry Op
Starship Weaponry Tech
Structural Engineering
Trade and Commerce
Transporter Operation
Transporter Sys Tech
Value Estimation
Vehicle Operation*
Atmospheric Craft
Ground Vehicles
Water Craft
Vehicle Technology*
Atmospheric Craft
Ground Vehicles
Water Craft
Warp Drive Tech
Zero G Operations
Labels: FASA Star Trek RPG
Qel'Narin sinks his teeth into the space hippie episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. He sheds his usually calm exterior and actually sings the hippie song. This is something you don't want to miss. Watch if you dare, Earthling!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
I have always felt 1982 was a great year for science fiction and fantasy movies. In the wake of Star Wars the late 70's and early 80's saw a number science fiction/fantasy films appear. Some were great, some not so much. But for overall quality I think 1982 is when the studios and the creators hit their stride.
Let's hit rewind... And travel down the long hall into memory back...
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Wrath of Khan happens to be my favorite movie of all time. I, also, think it happens to be one of the best movies ever made as well. Seriously, I do. I know, I know... you think I sit around watching nothing, but Star Trek. Wrong. I study film. I know what I'm talking about.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is better than Citizen Kane. There I said it. You know you all were thinking it, I'm just the one brave enough to admit it. Okay, I'll also admit Casablanca is right there with it and may (I stress "may") be better than Wrath. And to give Welles his props The Magnificent Ambersons is flippin' genius. But Wrath is still up there.
Why? Look at the construction of the plot. It's tight. It moves and never lets up. Look at the themes. Friendship. Lost. Usefulness. Revenge. The list goes on and on. It is human drama wrapped in the package of science fiction. Simply, awesome.
I know you're thinking if it's so good why don't you hear about it more? The main reason is because it's science fiction and the second reason is because it's Star Trek. But those who dismiss it are making a mistake. It is truly a treasure among what we call movies.
The Road Warrior
The Road Warrior wasn't released in the US until 82, so I'm counting in my list. Here is science fiction and fantasy elevated to the status of myth. The opening narration sets the tone and the film never disappoints. One word describes it best: powerful.
Blade Runner
Visually Blade Runner is groundbreaking science fiction. Don't look for a plot, though. It makes no sense. Just watch and enjoy this version of the future.
Sure the story was weak, but what an idea. Tron was and still is a "wow" movie. As you watch it you can't help, but to say to yourself, over and over again--wow.
The Dark Crystal
The Dark Crystal is simply a joy of creation and imagination. Even though hurt by a weak story structure and dialogue the creative core of this unique film still shines through. Enjoy.
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
E.T. doesn't play as well as it did when I was kid, but still a great movie. There was something about this movie back in the day. It felt different than other films. I guess the right word is magical.
1982 would have been an awesome year for science fiction and fantasy if only those movies were released. But here are a few more:
The Thing
Conan the Barbarian
The Secret of NIMH
The Beastmaster
Airplane II: The Sequel
Swamp Thing
Time Masters
Okay, a few of these aren't really that great, to say the least, but they appeal to fans of the genre. And of course there are even more I could list just from 82.
My list is getting a bit unruly, but as you can see I've proved my point. 82 was a great year for science fiction and fantasy. It's almost hard to believe that all these movies came out in the same year. To me it seems there was a bit more freedom to experiment back then. Sure, some were sequels, but most were risks. Most were low budget movies. Most could not even get green lit today. But, our world be poorer if we didn't have them.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
New from Dreamworks this June is an alien apocalyptic TV show called Falling Skies. The preview looks pretty good, nothing too special. But, who am I kidding they had me at apocalyptic. With Syfy moving away from science fiction maybe TNT can help us out.
Preview and photos below. On a side note: I do find one photo troubling. The one where the entire cast is looking down and the camera is pointing up. Hopefully it's only a promo shot, because if they are looking at an alien corpse I'm going to scream.
From the official site:
FALLING SKIES opens in the chaotic aftermath of an alien attack that has left most of the world completely incapacitated. In the six months since the initial invasion, the few survivors have banded together outside major cities to begin the difficult task of fighting back. Each day is a test of survival as citizen soldiers work to protect the people in their care while also engaging in an insurgency campaign against the occupying alien force.
Labels: Steven Spielberg, TV show
Okay, I'm on the record for not liking reboots. But, if this is done right I'm for it. Thundercats has so much potential as a franchise and as a medium for entertaining fantasy/science fiction stories.
My main concern is that it'll be "gritty" or "edgy." I know what people mean when they say those things, but unsually it leads creators down the wrong path. I wish the writers and prodcers would throw out those words and focus instead on excellence. Done right this won't be a reboot, it'll be a rebirth.
Look for Thundercats on Cartoon Network sometime this year.
Image credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Labels: 80's, thundercats, TV show
Active Officer University Programs for Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game (FASA)
0 comments Posted by VA at 10:14GM's be warned: Beyond here there be dragons. Rules like these and others have the potential of making super-powerful characters. Use them wisely.
Engineers, Science Officers, Counselors, Medical Officers are the most likely to attend an active officer program. But, a case can be made for other officers. Make your story good. Be creative. If you want your character to get extra training create a good back story. GM's love that stuff.
The six month program is good for characters that end up with an even number of cadet cruises. As you may know an even number of cadet cruises means the character's age is something like 36.5 or 42.5 which is a bit awkward. By allowing a player this option helps with their furstration. Players always hate when they fail the cadet cruise no matter how many times the GM tells them that it's not a problem. So if a character fails a cadet cruise tell the player not to worry he'll get some more skills.
Limit the number of programs a character can attend to two. But any combination is fine: two one year programs, two six month programs or one of each.
A player can choose any university he wishes.
Active Officer Programs
Six Months
One Major 20
One Minor 10
One New Skill 10
Advanced Training INT/2 then /10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already be possessed)
One Year
Two Majors 20
Two Minors 10
Two New Skills 10
Advanced Training INT/10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already be possessed)
Labels: FASA Star Trek RPG, role-playing, Star Trek
Monday, 24 January 2011
University Skill System for Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game (FASA)
0 comments Posted by VA at 18:30This is a system created for the Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game (FASA). It gives players more freedom during character creation.
In the rule book it mentioned some characters could have gone to university before they entered Starfleet Academy. I became fascinated with this because it said supplements were coming with rules. Those never appeared, so I created my own system to allow characters to attend university.
WARNING TO THE GM: There is much power here for players to become drunk with. Don't allow players to go crazy. Use common sense and a few rules to keep characters from becoming all powerful.
The most common characters that would have attended university are Engineers, Science Officers, Ship's Counselors and Medical Officers. For other characters it would be rare, but if the player can think of a good background story by all means let them be creative.
The university system considered to be a four year doctorate that is pursued prior to the characters entrance into Starfleet. So, any character who has attended university will be 22 when they enter Starfleet.
A player can choose whatever university and program they wish.
The following are just a few of the unversities a character can attend. Use the base system to create your own (or just change the name). I'll be posting a Betazoid unviersity soon.
Astronautics University of Edinburgh
Gen Eds
Computer Operation 20
Artistic Expression 15
Language 15
General Philosophy 10
Electronics Tech 10
Computer Tech 10
Mathematics 20
Mechanical Engineering OR Computer Science 20
Five Outside Electives 10 (Must be new skills)
Player must choose ONE Track
Engineering Track
Two Related Majors 40 (Any Engineering related Skills OR Space Sciences)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Engineering related Skills OR Physical Sciences)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Engineering related Skills OR Physical Sciences)
Divide 30 between any Two “Technology” Skills
Science Track
Two Related Majors 40 (Any Space Sciences OR Physical Sciences)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Space Sciences OR Physical Sciences)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Space Sciences OR Physical Sciences)
Small Equipment System Operation 20
Small Equipment System Tech 10
Both Tracks receive Advanced Study
Advanced Training INT/10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already be possessed)
Vulcan Science Academy
(Non-Vulcans can attend, but must put all 15 of language into Vulcan)
Gen Eds
Computer Operation 20
Artistic Expression 15 (At least five of the 15 must be in the Vulcan Lyre)
Language 15
General Philosophy 10
Computer Science 10
Investigation: Research 20
Vulcan Culture/History 15
Vulcan Law 15
Five Outside Electives 10
Two Related Majors 40 (Any Sciences expect Social)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Sciences expect Social)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Sciences expect Social)
Small Equipment System Operation 20
Small Equipment System Tech 10
Advanced Study
Advanced Training INT/10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already be possessed)
Zakdorn University of Tactics and Strategy
(Non- Zakdorns can attend, but must put all 15 of language in Zardorn.)
Gen Eds
Computer Operation 20
Artistic Expression 15
Language 15
General Philosophy 10
Gaming: 3-D Chess 10
Gaming: Strategema 20
Instruction 10
Leadership 20
Five Outside Electives 10 (Must be new skills)
Two Related Majors 40 (Any Combat S/T OR Neg/Dip OR Any Gaming OR I-P Relations)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Combat S/T OR Neg/Dip OR Instruction OR Any Gaming OR I-P Relations)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Combat S/T OR Neg/Dip OR Instruction OR Any Gaming OR I-P Relations)
Economics OR Political Science OR Law 20
Any Trivia OR Any Culture/History OR Psychology 10
Advanced Study
Advanced Training INT/10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already possessed)
The University of New Paris
Gen Eds
Computer Operation 20
Artistic Expression 15
Language 15
General Philosophy 10
Great Galactic Literature 20
Great Galactic Music 20
Any Two Culture/History Skills 10
Five Outside Electives 10
Player must choose ONE School
School of Science
Two Related Majors 40 (Any Sciences expect Medical and Social)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Sciences expect Medical and Social)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Sciences expect Medical and Social
Small Equipment System Operation 10
Investigation: Research 20
School of Medicine
Two Related Majors 40 (Any Medical Sciences)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Medical Sciences OR Life Sciences)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Medical Sciences OR Life Sciences)
Small Equipment System Operation 10
Investigation: Forensics 20
School of Diplomacy
Negotiation/Diplomacy 40
Inter-Planetary Relations OR Political Science OR Law 40
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Social Sciences OR Trade and Commerce)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Social Sciences OR Trivia OR Language)
Administration 20
Value Estimation 10
School of Law
Federation Law 40
Negotiation/Diplomacy OR Inter-Planetary Relations OR Political Science OR Economics 40
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Social Sciences OR Trade and Commerce)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Social Sciences OR Trivia)
Administration 20
Investigation: Research 10
School of Mining
Mining 40
Geology OR Metallurgy 40
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Physical OR Planetary Sciences OR Trade and Commerce OR Economics)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Social Sciences OR Trivia)
Mining System Ops 20
Mining System Tech 10
School of Criminal Justice
Federation Law OR Security Procedures 40
Investigation: Criminal 40
Two Related Minors 20 (Investigation: Forensics OR Interrogation OR Psychology OR Social Science)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Investigation: Forensics OR Interrogation OR Psychology OR Social Science)
Holodeck Interrogation 10
Surveillance 20
School of Archeology
Archeology 40
Anthropology OR Sociology 40
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Social Sciences OR Trivia OR Language)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Social Sciences OR Trivia OR Language)
Geology OR Exobiology OR Any Trivia 10
Investigation: Research 20
School of Language
Two Language Majors 40 (Any Language OR Cryptology)
Two Language Minors 20 (Any Language OR Cryptology)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Language OR Cryptology)
Communication System Ops 10
Any Culture/History OR Psychology 20
School of Economics
Economics 40
Trade and Commerce OR Inter-Planetary Relations OR Political Science OR Law 40
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Social Sciences OR Trade and Commerce)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Social Sciences OR Trivia)
Accounting 10
Value Estimation 20
School of Arts
Two Majors 40 (Any Artistic Expression)
Two Minors 20 (Any Artistic Expression OR Trivia)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Artistic Expression OR Trivia)
Instruction 20
Any Trivia OR Language 10
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
(Player must work with GM to create this program by combining two of the above Schools)
Two Unrelated Majors 40
Two Unrelated Minors 20
Two Other Unrelated Fields at 10
Divide 30 between two other skills
All Programs receive Advanced Study
Advanced Training INT/10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already be possessed)
Labels: FASA Star Trek RPG, role-playing, Star Trek
Why have I never heard of this show? Seriously, I had never heard of this show until yesterday. Of course, it was before my time but still I should have heard of it. Oh well, every episode is on Hulu! I'm going to be busy the next few days.
From Wikipedia:
Land of the Giants was an hour-long American science fiction television program lasting two seasons beginning on September 22, 1968 and ending on March 22, 1970. The show was created and produced by Irwin Allen. Land of the Giants was the fourth of Allen's science fiction TV series. The show was aired on ABC and released by 20th Century Fox Television. The series was filmed entirely in color and ran for 51 episodes. The show starred Gary Conway and Don Marshall. Author Murray Leinster also wrote three novels in 1968 and 1969 based on the television series.Read more:
Set in the then-future year of 1983, the series tells the tale of the crew and passengers of a sub-orbital transport spaceship called the Spindrift. In the pilot episode, the Spindrift is en route from Los Angeles to London via the ultra-fast route of a parabolic trajectory. Just beyond Earth's boundary with space, the Spindrift encounters a strange space storm and is transported to a mysterious planet where everything is twelve times larger than its counterpart on Earth. The Spindrift crew calls the inhabitants "the giants".
Land of the Giants
Watch every episode on Hulu!
YouTube Fan Club
Labels: TV show
Friday, 21 January 2011
TV shows reluctant to accept sci-fi title
Labels: TV show
‘Terra Nova’: TV’s ‘Waterworld’ or ‘Avatar’?
Labels: TV show
Thursday, 20 January 2011
A day early and a double dose! Qel'Narin takes on TNG and TOS.
Again, this is based on the common RPG dice just to give more options. The chart is 1D100.
1. Hydrospanner (1)
2. Plastic Shims (1d6 x 100, value 1d6 per 100)
3. Glowrod (1)
4. Syntherope (50')
5. Flame-Proof Suit (1)
6. Power Prybar (1)
7. General Exposure Suit (1)
8. Thermal Suit (1)
9. Sleeping Bag (1)
10. PolyTex Fabric (1 bolt, value 3d6)
11. Sub-Zero Parka (1)
12. Fusion Cutter (1)
13. Vacuum Suit (1)
14. Tool Harness (1)
15. Ball Bearings (1d6 x 1000, value 1d6 per 1000)
16. Light Power Generator (1)
17. Vibrosaw (1)
18. Single-Person Survival Tent (1)
19. O-Rings (1d6 x 1000, value 1d6 per 1000)
20. Worklight (1)
21. Plastic Shims (2d6 x 100, value 1d6 per 100)
22. Comlink (1)
23. Computer Tool Kit (1)
24. Beam Drill (1)
25. Two-Person Survival Tent (1)
26. Vibropick (1)
27. Emergency Space Suit (1)
28. Rations (1 person, 1 week)
29. Chronometer (1)
30. Hydrospanners (2d6)
31. Syntherope (100')
32. Imperial Uniform with Insignia (1)
33. Medium Power Generator (1)
34. Plasma Welder (1)
35. PolyTex Fabric (3d6 bolts, value 3d6 x # of bolts)
36. Thermal Suit (2)
37. Droid Tool Kit (1)
38. Vacuum Suit (2)
39. T'wilian Silk (1 bolt, value 6d6 x10)
40. Plastic Shims (3d6 x 100, value 1d6 per 100)
41. Casual Clothes (2 sets)
42. Four-Person Survival Tent (1)
43. Marcobinoculars (1)
44. Flares (6)
45. Ball Bearings (3d6 x 1000, value 1d6 per 1000)
46. Small Manifolds (6d6, value 2d6 per piece)
47. Sub-Zero Parka (2)
48. General Exposure Suit (2)
49. O-Rings (3d6 x 1000, value 1d6 per 1000)
50. Malforian Chocolate (1d6, value 2d6 x 100 per square)
51. Utility Space Suit (1)
52. Medpac (2)
53. Vehicle Tool Kit (1)
54. PolyTex Fabric (5d6 bolts, value 3d6 x # of bolts)
55. Breath Mask (1)
56. Pocket Computer (1)
57. Forest Camouflage Outfits (6 sets)
58. Six-Person Survival Tent (1)
59. Imperial Uniforms with Insignia (4)
60. Recording Rod (1)
61. Ammo Bandolier (1)
62. Syntherope (150')
63. Comlink (1d6)
64. Vacuum Suit (3)
65. Rations (1 person, 2 week)
66. Fusion Cutter (2)
67. Security Tool Kit (1)
68. T'wilian Silk (4 bolts, value 6d6 x10 x4)
69. Thermal Suit (3)
70. Small Manifolds (8d6, value 2d6 per piece)
71. Desert Camouflage Outfits (6 sets)
72. Data Plaque (6 empty)
73. Formal Clothes (2 sets)
74. Malforian Chocolate (2d6, value 2d6 x 100 per square)
75. Sub-Zero Parka (3)
76. Heavy Power Generator (1)
77. O-Rings (5d6 x 1000, value 1d6 per 1000)
78. Hydrospanners (4d6)
79. Rations (1 person, 6 weeks)
80. Sidrian Flame Gem (1, value 1d6 x 1000)
81. General Exposure Suit (4)
82. High-Quality Space Suit (1)
83. Comlink (2d6)
84. Medpac (2d6)
85. Medicines (2d6, value 100 per vial)
86. Ball Bearings (5d6 x 1000, value 1d6 per 1000)
87. Climbing Kit (2 harnesses, 10 carabineers, 200'rope)
88. Small Manifolds (10d6, value 2d6 per piece)
89. Imperial Uniforms with Insignia (8)
90. T'wilian Silk (6d6 bolts, value 6d6 x10 x # of bolts)
91. Armored Space Suit (1)
92. Computer Memory Banks (10 blank, value 1d6 x 1000 each)
93. Sidrian Flame Gems (1d6, value 1d6 x 1000 per gem)
94. Malforian Chocolate (3d6, value 2d6 x 100 per square)
95. Bounty Hunter Armor (1)
96. Medpac (3d6)
97. 3PO Unit Protocol Droid (1)
98. Ais Shimmer Cloth (4d6 bolts, value 2d6 x100 per bolt)
99. Kesseli Spice (2d6, value 1d4 x 1000 per square)
100. Sidrian Flame Gems (2d6, value 1d6 x 1000 per gem)
Labels: role-playing, Star Wars
The table is 1D100. I know the system is 6D, but I used the standard set of common RPG dice because it gives more freedom.
1-5. Data Plaque (empty)
6-10. Ring (value 1d20 credits)
11-15. Credits (2d6)
16-20. Comlink
21-25. Knife
26-30. Recording Rod
31-35. Necklace (value 2d20 credits)
36-40. Chronometer
41-45. Credits (3d6)
46-50. Breath Mask
51-52. Medpac
53-54. Glow Rod
55-56. Locket containing a picture (value 3d20 credits)
57-58. Knives (2)
59-60. Data Plaque (4, empty)
61-62. Credits (4d6)
63-64. Pocket Computer
65-66. Vehicle Toolkit
67-68. Bracelet (value 4d20 credits)
69-70. Vibroblade
71-72. Data Plaque (contains a file worth 1d6 x 100 credits)
73-74. Droid Toolkit
75-76. Necklace (value 5d20 credits)
77-78. Hold-out Blaster
79-80. Credits (6d6)
81-82. Sidrian Flame Gem (value 1d6 x 1000)
83-84. Computer Toolkit
85-86. Medpacs (1d4)
87-88. Security Toolkit
89-90. Blaster Pistol
91-92. Ring (value 1d12 x 100)
93-94. Necklace (value 1d20 x 100)
95-96. Data Plaque (contains a file worth 3d6 x 100 credits)
97-98 Credits (3d4 x 100)
99. Hold-out Blaster with 4D damage
100. Sidrian Flame Gems (1d4, value 1d6 x 1000 per gem)
Labels: role-playing, Star Wars
I use a 20-sided die, even though the system is 10d based. If you don't have a 20 just roll two 10s and add them together. Then knock off the first medal, since totals will be 2-20.
Here are the rules:
If you pass your cadet cruise with Honors there is an 80% (roll 80 or lower 1D100) chance you were awarded a medal. If you pass it with High Honors there is 100% chance.
Tour Ratings also determine chance of medals. Outstanding and Excellent carry the chance for two medals.
Outstanding: 100% for one, 50% (50 or lower 1D100)for another.
Excellent: 80% (roll 80 or lower 1D100) for one, 40% (40 or lower 1D100) for another.
All others tours carry a 20% (20 or lower 1D100) chance for one.
If a character receives two of the same medal it is referred to as "with clusters." Example: A character is awarded the Starfleet Medal of Valor on his cadet cruise. Fourteen years later on his 6th tour he earns another. He now possesses the Starfleet Medal of Valor with Clusters.
If a character earns three of the same medal it is referred to as "with gold clusters." If a character has three of the same medal and rolls another on the table have them reroll or award the next highest medal.
Post-character creation medals can be awarded at GM's discretion depending on play.
1. Starfleet Good Conduct Medal
2. Bronze Star
3. Silver Star
4. Purple Heart
5. Denebian Swan of Merit
6. Federation Peace Medal
7. Grankite Order of Honor
8. Karagite Order of Heroism
9. Andorian Battle Star
10. Ribbon of Outstanding Bravery
11. The Ristak Chain of Uncommon Valor
12. Prantares Ribbon
13. Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry
14. Starfleet Silver Palm
15. The Knight Revis
16. The Star Cross
17. Legion of Merit
18. Legion of Honor
19. Starfleet Medal of Valor
20. Starfleet Medal of Honor
Labels: FASA Star Trek RPG
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Terry Gilliam is getting behind a fascinating animated film. I hope it gets made. It looks great. Check out the promos.
Labels: movie
Anne Hathaway is now Catwoman and Tom Hardy (Star trek: Nemesis) is now Bane or so says Warner Bros. I think The Dark Knight Rises is shaping up. Christopher Nolan is genius, so I know the screenplay is going to be great. But, I am concerned. Bane is not a good villian. At all. Oh, I know he broke Batman's back but so what. He's uninteresting. There are so many Batman villians that are far better. Maybe Nolan can work his magic and reinvent him, though.
Labels: movie
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Chris Roberson, the new writer of Superman comics, speaks about his obsession with the comic icon and the future of the Man of Steel.
Television review: 'Pioneers of Television'
Monday, 17 January 2011
Ever continuing my obsession with James Cameron, here's an interview of him talking about technology and movies plus the trailer to the new film he produced, Sanctum.
Moviemaking about ideas, not equipment
Labels: movie
This movie looks crazy. Tons of action. Great cast. Sweet cars. It hits DVD and Blu-Ray tomorrow.
Death Race 2 - Premiere Coverage
Uploaded by dreadcentral. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.
Labels: movie
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Anne Hathaway - Sing & dance at Oscars with James Franco?
James Franco to sing & dance at Oscars with Anne Hathaway
James Franco and Anne Hathaway are hosting the event on 27 February and he has confirmed that he may do more than just present the awards as he wants to entertain as well.
He said, "You got Anne Hathaway, who is the youngest host ever, that is new. There might be some singing, there might be some dancing."Apart from hosting the awards ceremony, Franco could win an award for Best Actor for his role in new film 127 Hours.
source: http://www.businessofcinema.com/news.php?newsid=17593
Labels: Anne Hathaway
Saturday, 15 January 2011
After looking into this film a bit, I'm excited. I'm not a fan of reboots or prequels, but this looks like it has promise. The franchise has so much potential, so I'm glad Fox is givng it another go.
Labels: movie
Rumors are swirling that the next Star Trek movie will be in 3D. I understand why Paramount would want this, since 3D tickets are more expensive. But, I'm not wild about it. I'd prefer a good story that makes sense than gimmicks. Though, days of getting those are probably over. Still, I love that Star Trek is getting the attention. Who would have ever thought Star Trek would be producing huge blockbusters?
Labels: movie
Friday, 14 January 2011
Thursday, 13 January 2011
From the press release:
New family adventure-drama series Terra Nova will preview during a special two-night event Monday, May 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) and Tuesday, May 24 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on Fox. The show will then premiere in the fall.
An epic family adventure 85 million years in the making, Terra Nova follows an ordinary family embarking on an incredible journey back in time to prehistoric Earth as a small part of a daring experiment to save the human race. In the year 2149 the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped, overcrowded and overpolluted. With no known way to reverse the damage to the planet, scientists discover a portal to prehistoric Earth. This doorway leads to an amazing world, one that allows for a last-ditch effort to save the human race… a second chance to rebuild civilization and get it right this time.
The series centers on the Shannon family as they join the Tenth Pilgrimage of settlers to Terra Nova, the first colony established in this beautiful yet forbidding land led by its founder Commander Nathaniel Taylor (Stephen Lang, Avatar). Jim Shannon (Jason O’Mara, Life on Mars), a devoted father with a checkered past, guides his family – wife Elisabeth (Shelley Conn, Mistresses); and children Josh (Landon Liboiron, Degrassi: The Next Generation), Maddy (Naomi Scott, Life Bites) and Zoe (newcomer Alana Mansour) – through this new land of limitless beauty, mystery and terror. In addition to blue skies, towering waterfalls and lush vegetation, Terra Nova offers new opportunities and fresh beginnings to its recent arrivals, but the Shannons have brought with them a familial secret that may threaten their citizenship in this utopia. These adventurers soon discover that this healthy, vibrant world is not as idyllic as it initially appears. The areas surrounding Terra Nova are teeming with danger – and not just of the man-eating dinosaur variety. The Shannons will come to suspect that not everyone on this mission has the same idea of how to best save mankind; in fact, there may be forces intent on destroying this new world before it even begins.