Saturday 26 February 2011

More university rules for FASA's Star Trek RPG.

These are for characters wishing to be Ship's Counselors, who would most likely be Betazoid. But Deltans could attend these programs since they are telepaths.

Of course, Humans could attend the University and be counselors, but would not have the empathic or telepathic advantage.

Vulcans would be a fansinating choice, but hard to play. They have all the mental abilities, but how do they relate to the emotional well being of the crew?

As GM work with the player to create an awesome character.

Betazed University of Psychology and Psionics

Four year doctorate prior to entering Starfleet Academy.

Gen Eds

Computer Operation 20
Artistic Expression 15
Language 15
General Philosophy 10
Betazoid Literature 20
Betazoid Music 20
Any Two Culture/History Skills 10

Five Outside Electives 10

Choose ONE School

School of Psychology

Two Related Majors 40 (Any Psychology)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Psychology OR Social Science)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Trivia, Psychology OR Social Science)

Instruction 10
Neg/Dip 20

School of Psychiatry

Any Psychology 40
Any General Medical 40 (Must be same race as Psych)
Two Related Minors 20 (Any Trivia, Medical, Social OR Life Sciences)
Two Other Fields at 10 (Any Trivia, Medical, Social OR Life Sciences)

Instruction 10
Neg/Dip 20

Advanced Study (Both schools receive adv study)

Advanced Training INT/10 round down 1d10 (Must be a skill already possessed)

Special Rules

Some players may not wish to attend Starfleet Academy, but still wish to serve as counselors. These rules help create that type of character.

The program is an eight year undergrad and doctorate combined.

After graduation characters enter Starfleet with the rank of Lt., but it is honorary. An honorary rank means the character is afforded the respect and privilege of the rank but not the authority. This means a ship's counselor with the honorary rank of Commander would have to obey the orders of an Ensign in all non-health related matters.

Character creation would proceed like so: Create attribute scores and pre-academy skills according to the rulebook. Skip the Academy, Cadet Cruise, Department Head and Command School sections and use the skill table below. Then continue with the post- academy experience until character is complete (including skill advancement).

Betazed University of Psychology and Psionics - Advanced Civilian Program

Gen Eds

Computer Operation 40
Artistic Expression 30 (Any combination)
Language 30 (Any combination)
General Philosophy 10
Betazoid Literature 20
Betazoid Music 20
Betazed Cult/Hist 15
Betazed Law 15
Any Two Culture/History Skills 10
Federation Cult/Hist 10
Federation Law 5
Instruction 10
Leadership 10

Fifteen Outside Electives 10

Choose ONE School

School of Psychology

Four Related Majors 40 (Any Psychology)
Four Related Minors 20 (Any Psychology OR Social Science)
Four Other Fields at 10 (Any Trivia, Psychology OR Social Science)

20 Divided between any skills new or possessed
Neg/Dip 30
Language 30 (Any combination)

School of Psychiatry

Any Two Psychology 40
Any Two General Medical 40 (Must be same race as Psych)
Four Related Minors 20 (Any Trivia, Medical, Social OR Life Sciences)
Four Other Fields at 10 (Any Trivia, Medical, Social OR Life Sciences)

20 Divided between any skills new or possessed
Neg/Dip 30
Language 30 (Any combination)

Advanced Training (Both schools receive adv study)

Advanced Training INT/10 round down X2 1d10 (Must be a skill already possessed)


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