Tuesday 31 May 2011

Snow On Sutherland


I spent some of my time in Venice with Donald Sutherland on my mind, since I'd made such a connection between my trip there and his movie Don't Look Now, and it appears the man doesn't want to let me go. Via EW:

"Donald Sutherland has officially been cast in the film adaptation of The Hunger Games as President Snow, the ruler of Panem. Lionsgate announced Sutherland’s casting in a press release this morning. Although Snow mostly lurks around the outskirts of the first volume of Games, he is unquestionably the series’ main puppet master (and hey, Sutherland starred in a film called The Puppet Masters!) A quietly malevolent figure who is shrouded in secrecy, Snow was described in the books as a thin and unassumingly small man — which aren’t quite the words that come to mind when you consider the 6’4” Sutherland. Still, the actor has certainly earned his epic-enigmatic bona fides — remember his Mister X in JFK? — and it should be interesting to see him play off Jennifer Lawrence’s spunk Katniss Everdeen. The Hunger Games is currently in production, and is currently slated for a March 23, 2012 release in theaters."

While it's a good call by EW that size-wise he's incorrect, I still think this is brilliant casting. The man can pull off sinister like nobody's business. He's got one of the most unsettling of smiles out there. What do y'all think?


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