Friday, 13 May 2011


But only if your name is Alexander Skarsgård. And then, if your name is Alexander Skarsgård, then the time has also come for you to stop reading my blather and send me an email with the time and the place. You name it, Alex. But if you're not Alexander Skarsgård, then whatever, do what you want, I don't care. God. Why don't you watch the trailer for the Straw Dogs remake and leave me alone, Not Alexander Skarsgård. He mostly never wears sleeves!
And yeah, Jimmy Marsden's there too but he only shows a little chest fur and leg, he doesn't get full credit for that. Not in the face of this all. Fail, Jimmy! Fail. I know you can do better. Look at them, up on that roof! Remember the last time you were on a roof? I certainly do. I remember it well. Why don't you do that again, hmmm?


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