Thursday 30 June 2011

Oh Here Go Hell Come


Every so often I'll be scanning down the right-hand column of this here blog and amongst the labels, between Bette Midler and Bill Murray I'll see it. Big Brother. A show I haven't watched or posted about since 2008, when I was so repulsed by the grotesquerie of Dick and his daughter it starts with D I am so happy I can't remember her name you have no idea Danielle dammit that's her name ugh that I gave up the show full-stop. Good riddance, I says! Or said. Because now I see that there's a chance that Will Kirby, aka Evil Dr. Will, could be back in the house and dammit I'm helpless when it comes to him. HELPLESS. I mean, case in point:

It appears that the forementioned D&D could also be on the show though, and that tempers the pull an awful lot. Plus Will's always paired with that shit-stain Mike Boogie (ugh even typing that moniker pains me) so it's all tempered even further. But then..

Oh Will. Damn you. Damn you. Damn you.


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