Wednesday 29 June 2011

Quote of the Day

Oh, Thomas Jane. Your mouth, and your dick, always getting in the way. Here he is on Headshot, a project he'd been helping to shepherd into production for a long time, like by getting Sylvester Stallone cast alongside him, and then he got pushed out of:

"Joel Silver came onboard the project and said that he has a quote-unquote ‘formula’ for these quote-unquote ‘buddy movies’ and it has to be a white guy and a quote-unquote ‘ethnic guy.’ And they relieved me of duty and basically paid me off, which I was really upset about, you know? I didn’t get a call from Stallone. I was a little upset about that. Maybe they didn’t want anybody on the movie with a bigger dick than him."

Talk talk talk, Thomas. Well go on and put your dick where your mouth is then. We're waiting. Starring in a show called Hung about said "bigger dick" isn't enough if you keep hiding it all Austin Powers-like these days. We've seen it already, for god's sake. A few times now, actually. But a memory-refresher certainly wouldn't hurt.


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