Wednesday 29 June 2011


A trailer's been released for Jake Gyllenhaal's possibly sexy sojourn into the icy wilds of Iceland with Bear Grylls (you can see it below, via) - and if you missed it last week I made a list of gay stuff that could happen on this trip that I found pretty damned amusing, personally - but for now let's just look at that screen-cap up top and marvel at the adorableness. GOD. Why'd ya have to go and make The Face, Jake? That's nearly the same face you made when Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph talked about your mother on Bronx Beat or when you held that puggle.

I have no defense against that damn face! And here I was right now all angry at you for these new lady rumors, flirting with that unspeakable woman, my current arch-nemesis, which seemed designed primarily to hurt me and me alone! And now you jerk me around with The Face! It's too much! Too much dammit!


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