Friday 10 June 2011

I Am Link

--- Make It A Full Moon For Luna - Diego Luna, who I love and probably even prefer to his Y Tu Mama co-star Gael Garcia Bernal if we're being honest, is in talks to join Neil Blomkamp's sci-fi follow-up to District 9, called Elysium and starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster and District star Sharlto Copley, and which... well hasn't that thing been filming for ages already? They're so damn secretive about it. Anyway yay Diego! Love him.

--- World's End - AICN got a little bit from Simon Pegg on where his and Nick Frost's third film with Edgar Wright stands right now. They are working on the story, and they want it to be interesting, basically!

--- Breathless Mahoney - Has anybody seen Dick Tracy lately? I was the perfect age of 12 when it came out in 1990 and I remember obsessing over it for that Summer but I don't think I've seen it since. I've been meaning to rewatch it for ages now but have no idea what that'll feel like. Anyway Warren Beatty's mentioned making a sequel. Timely, Warren!

--- Always Ari - PopWrap's got the trailer for a new movie with Ari "Balls Deep" Graynor called Lucky, in which she stars opposite Colin "Why does he keep getting jobs oh right, his father" Hanks. Let's make it the year of Ari! This movie's out next month.

--- The Thin Blue Broad - A friend of mine saw a screening of Errol Morris' new film Tabloid last year and apparently the woman who's the film's subject was there - she's that crazy woman who abducted a Mormon guy and cloned her dog, all sorts of bonkers shit - and she had a freak out, and it was awesome. The trailer for it's out now; the film's out in July.

--- Fairey Glare - Y'all have surely already seen this but there's artist Shepard Fairey's poster for John Carpenter's film They Live that he created for a special screening of the film down in Austin, where they vanquish movie-texters with glee. (via)

--- Space Stage - A couple of pictures of the sets and sound-stages for Ridley Scott's Prometheus have made their way online which you can look at over at io9. Green screen and a cave. Thrilling. Just get me pictures of Michael Fassbender's underwear drawer already!

--- And finally, here's video of Dario Argento talking about his intentions for his now-filming Dracula 3D with Thomas Kretschmann and his daughter Asia. After just suffering through the ineptitude of his most recent film Giallo I'm even more skeptical than ever. (via)


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