Friday, 3 June 2011

I Am Link

--- Dark Tidings - Via STYD there's the hi-res version of the poster for Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. Why no giant floating Katie Holmes head? Or at least giant floating Guy Pearce ass?

--- My Magneto - I'm trying to decide if I'm going to see X-Men Muppet Babies tonight or tomorrow morning. My excitement for it begs for the closest time-slot manageable, while my aversion to Friday night movie crowds whispers otherwise into my ear. Either way, it will be mine, Fassy and all, within the next 24 hours! Whoop! That film and the next couple weeks of Summer releases are covered in Joe's most recent Movie Preview post over at Low Resolution. Check it.

--- How Hungry Are You - Somehow I never got around to mentioning this, but apparently Lionsgate is considering turning the three-book Hunger Games series into four films, should the first movie be a success. Hrm. Lord knows I love 'em, but I'm not entirely sold on this. But I'm easily won over. (Make the third film nothing but Finnick in his skimpy aquatic costume posing for two hours, and I'm yours!) (pic via)

--- And speaking of Katniss & Co, PopWrap got to chat up Jennifer Lawrence today - it's mostly about her role as Mystique in X-Men Muppet Babies as well as her recently discovered talk-show agility - a girl who can charm Letterman so has a big future in the biz - but there's some Hunger-flavored manna towards the end.

--- More Than Meets The Eye - PopWrap dissects some recent comments by Shia Labeouf on the departure of Megan Fox from the Transformers series, and I feel like I'm the last person standing defending Megan Fox - even Mickey Rourke has jumped ship, as if he's got a leg to stand on - but there does seem to be a somewhat mangled attempt at defending her by Shia, so good on him.

--- His Song - The Film Experience is celebrating Moulin Rouge Week, and while I don't really have much to say about that movie, I can appreciate other's enthusiasms for it. (I've got a love-hate thing with it, personally. I like a lot, but sometimes it just gives me a fucking headache.) Anyway my favorite aspect of it is Ewan, so Nat's Top Ten list of Ewan's greatest performances is right up my alley. Ewan forever.

--- Monkey Business - It's amazing what a surfeit of anticipation the Rise of the Planet for the Apes movie I've got at this point. I realized this morning that I never even got around to watching the first trailer, and now we've got a second one. Nothing against Jimmy Franco of course; should we lay the blame at Tim Burton's feet? (Of course we should.) I guess if nothing else it's giving Andy Serkis a new opportunity to shine, hidden in the shadows. You don't have to hide Andy in the shadows, ya know, world? Sometimes we like to look at him just plenty.

--- Who You Callin Fairy - I feel guilty at this point eleven years later still referring to Mary Harron as "the director of American Psycho," but that is and remains where I fell in love with her work. (I feel no such qualms about illustrating this only tangentially related bit of news with a picture of Christian Bale in that film, because duh.) She went on to make the terrific The Notorious Bettie Page after that, and did a lot of TV work, but it's hard out there for female directors, as y'all well know. Her most recent flick, the girl's boarding school vampire movie The Moth Diaries (with Scott Speedman playing a teacher!) remains in limbo right now, but according to BD there is good news: she's lining up another flick. It's called Wicked Lovely and it's based on a series of books about a girl that gets caught up in some faery netherworld... that happened to me once. With sexy results!

--- And finally, Jared Leto done went and cleaned himself up some for a Huge Boss cologne commercial, so sure, I'll post it. He cleans up well. (via)


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