Monday 6 June 2011

I Am Link

--- Slow Show - I'm having one of those days where everything I read is making me angry. Take this tag-team take-down by the NY Times critics of a recent piece in the New York Times Magazine about how that writer can't stomach "slow" movies anymore. I agree with most everything Dargis and Scott have to say in rebuttal to this ridiculousness - although I got a little eye-rolly at Scott's insistence on bringing The Tree of Life into it, til he allowed for some wiggle-room for those of us that found that film ponderous for other reasons - but mostly it just made me nuts that the original article even got published in the first place. I get enough of a defense of intellectual laziness from our politicians, thanks very much. I thought I'd be safe amongst art critics. Shame is a lost art in this world.

--- Speaking of everything I just wrote, Slash rounded up a batch of "first impressions" of Green Lantern from Twitter, and I'm ashamed that I wasted my time reading them. Blake Lively is so hot with her brown hair 3D rules verbal barf kill me now!!!

--- Mutant X'd - Over at io9 they're offering a few reasons why X-Men Muppet Babies underperformed a little bit box-office-wise, including it's Michael Fassbender's fault for not being Hugh Jackman, and then  the first comment uses the word "funnest." I am just gonna throw myself off a cliff and be done with it. I have no patience for anything today.

--- Lil' Wizards - Okay, here's a palate cleanser via PopWrap - the first screen-test of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint before the very first Harry Potter movie. Awwwww.

--- Fun Fact of the Day - I didn't know that the background sound in Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" song was her tapping her fake nails on a counter-top! Learn all that and more over at Low Resolution where Joe and Mark are taking on the Best Song category at the 1980 Oscars.

--- And ending on a happy note, here's some behind-the-scenes footage from Ghostbusters 2. Slimer puppetry ho! (via)


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