Monday 25 July 2011


I said on Friday that we'd probably be getting some interviews and what-nots with Dominic Cooper showing up online what with his double-header of Captain America and The Devil's Double coming out this month, and so be it. Those pics are from an interview with The Daily Mail. Choice quote:

"I don’t see myself as being a heart-throb at all... It’s a very easy category to fall into... Some people, I’m sure, love doing that, but it’s kind of mind-numbing. Beyond the vanity of watching yourself be the love interest in a reasonably good film, it doesn’t interest me."

But surely, I suggest, there are worse ways to spend your working day than cavorting with Keira Knightley. Cooper immediately brightens.

‘Yeah, it’s not been bad,’ he smiles. ‘I’ve had some lovely female companions. People always complain about those scenes, saying it’s awkward with so many people around. The fact is that it’s lovely lying in bed with a beautiful woman. Being with a naked Keira Knightley is a really nice way to spend the day.’

What about being toy boy to the tantalising Helen Mirren?

"She’s incredibly hot. I tried so hard to make her fancy me, but I just knew immediately that there was nothing. She didn’t fancy me at all!’"

Well now I feel bad for calling Helen Mirren a "dastardly old broad" back when I saw the two of them together. Sorry, Hels! You're good people. I take it all back!


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