Friday 29 July 2011

Gratuitous Rob Kazinsky


Our Brit brethren probably know Mr. Kazinsky from a hole in the ground, unlike me who only became aware of him this morning when I saw he'd been cast in Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim (as has Willem Dafoe!) fighting giant monsters and robots opposite Charlie Hunnam and Idris Elba - Kazinsky is straight outta Brighton and was on EastEnders for awhile. Recently he got cast in The Hobbit as one of the thirteen hundred dwarfs, but had to back out for ominous sounding "medical reasons." Hopefully he's alright - must be, since he's signed on for Pacific Rim now. The first thing I stumbled upon when looking him up was this:

Obviously it snowballed from there. Pacific Rim is just gonna be bursting with eye candy! Hit the jump to see a dozen or so more pictures of Rob and his sexy little furry ginger self.


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