--- Rah Rah Rosario - There have been several very cool casting announcements (or rumors) coming out today, and this one's arguably the coolest: Rosario Dawson, lady I love and cry about getting no respect every time she shows up in terrible movies which is far too often,
has joined the cast of Danny Boyle's new movie Trance. Finally, some respect! A good-to-great filmmaker using her again. Happy news. Also joining the cast is Vincent Cassel, which was rumored already (he's taking the part Michael Fassbender almost took).
Trance stars James McAvoy and Cassel as some sort of art thieves, and DH says Rosario's character "has an unusual relationship with both men."
--- Stoker Sweetie - Fighting it out with the above news for coolest casting of the day is Jackie Weaver, so incredibly chilling in
Animal Kingdom,
getting a role in Park Chan-wook's
Stoker. This you should recall is his first English-language film and it already stars Mia Wasikowska and Nicole Kidman and Matthew Goode (his casting news
here). Very happy to see Weaver popping up again in something outside of Australia. No word on what her part will be.
--- Honest Pace - And then we hear that
Lee Pace is joining the cast of Steven Spielberg's Abe Lincoln bio-pic! Ya know, Pace is tall and skinny enough to have played Abe himself if they were going younger. But no, they had to go with the completely talentless Daniel Day Lewis! Anyway Lee's playing the mayor of New York. And his part will probably be too tiny because Lee Pace is never given big enough parts to satisfy us. (Insert "But Lee could give me
his big part to satisfy me anytime" line here)
--- He Smash - In
an interview at the LAT Marvel president Kevin Feige talks about what the Hulk will be like in Joss Whedon's
Avengers movie. Supposedly there will be more of Mark Ruffalo to his face then there was of Eric Bana or Ed Norton in their respective films.
--- Mobbed Mentality - I hope this casting rumor turns out to be only rumor because I don't want my beloved wading into this thick den of Scientologists - Dominic Cooper's
rumored to be taking a role in that
Gotti bio-pic that Barry levinson's making that's already got John Travolta and Kelly Preston and Al Pacino. Dom would supposedly play Gotti's son, Gotti being played by Travolta. Ugh stay away from Travolta, Dominic! Stay away from all of it! Just the thought of the porcupine hair alone, ugh.
--- Got Guts - Universal Studios: Hollywood is
building an elaborate Halloween maze based on the Hostel films by Eli Roth for their Fall season. I want to go to this so bad I can taste the blood spurting from my severed tongue.