Thursday 28 July 2011

Jock Bomer Bonanza


Alright so this gallery of pictures of Matthew Bomer at some videogame endorsement celebrity football game thing has put several thoughts onto my mind. 

First off, this picture below is screaming for a caption isn't it?

That dude's pulling down his shorts! Course if I were playing football with Matthew Bomer I'd try to yank off his shorts too. (Okay if I were within five hundred feet of Bomer I'd try to yank off his shorts, regardless of what was going on, it's true.) I do wish we had a better view of Bomer in that shot but it's also screaming for this side-by-side:

Oh and Matty also gave us a whiff of abs:

God he's so perfect he's hateful. My final thought on this set of pictures? That I totally thought his jersey said FLAMERS the first time I read it and I thought, finally! He's come out and told us! Alas.


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