--- Mo Better Boy - I have to admit that
the prospect of a Spike Lee directed remake of Park Chan-wook's
Oldboy is an interesting idea. Spike certainly isn't afraid to be controversial (ha, understatement) and could possibly be ballsy enough to take this movie where it needs to be taken, unlike somebody like Spielberg, who momentarily talked about doing this. Would Denzel Washington inevitably star? Hrm dunno about him in the role. It's a shame Morgan Freeman's too old - he'd be perfect considering
outside concerns, ahem. I know this is a really weird suggestion, but I can't stop thinking Eddie Murphy now. Oh Dae-su should have a "broken clown" quality to him.
--- Deeper Than Deep - A lovely little observation about a moment in Dario Argento's
Profundo Rosso from Arbogast here.
--- Cold Flesh - Apparently Bruce La Bruce decided he wanted to take the wound-fucking scene from his last movie
Otto, or Up With Dead People (
a movie I liked) and turn that into a whole movie, and that's what
LA Zombie is. Which well obviously I'll see this at some point. Go read
Adam's take on the film.
--- Wack-a-duo - Reunited and it feels very fine -
Michel Gondry will direct the new Bjork video for her new song "Crystalline." Yes, that is a good thing. Sad story: I was grooving to this song at a dinner we had at my house over the weekend when I realized everyone's conversation around me had turned to how much they hate Bjork. Awww. Cue my deflated face and head-hung trip to skip to the next track on the iPod. Rejected!
--- RoboStatham - There's some
probably entirely baseless speculation going about that Jason Statham could star in a 4th
Transformers film which - post-Bay and LaBeouf - would take the series into a darker direction. Can't really get much darker than being a signal of the end of times like the entire franchise has been so far, can ya? And I doubt there's much space for
half-naked field fucking in a
Transformers movie so I says pass, Jason!
--- Fall's For Rimming - Guillermo Del Toro is
set to begin shooting his giant monster movie
Pacific Rim in Toronto on Halloween of this year for a July 21st, 2013 release. This is the future!
--- The Woman Beat - Ever since an audience member freaked out at a screening of Lucky McKee's
The Woman (starring his
May star Angela Bettis) I've been jonesing to see it (good press, that), so I'm happy to hear it's been
picked up for distribution finally. I was hoping it'd play here in NY some time before officially getting released but it's been months and no go so I guess I'll have to stick it out with the rest of y'all plebes!
--- Hey It's Hooper - Apparently
Texas Chain Saw Massacre director Tobe Hooper has written
a horror novel called Midnight Movie
in which he is the star.
STYD has the details - it's fairly reminiscent of Wes Craven's script for
New Nightmare in a lot of ways. Now he just has to direct and star in an adaptation and we can slide right on down the rabbit hole.