Wednesday 6 July 2011


I find it strange looking through Tilda's filmography and realizing that of all the movies she's made it was the one starring Keanu Reeves where she won me over, but there it is. I was too young to get Orlando the first time I saw it (I've since fixed that), and of the few things I saw her in before seeing Constantine I'd liked her but not fallen for her. For example, she's obviously fantastic in The Deep End and I remember admiring her work there very much, but I wouldn't say I fell for her with it. She didn't become TILDA, force to be reckoned with and worshiped. Every else I love her for I'd see later - like, I've only started seeing her work with Jarman recently. So it was with golden ringlets and filthy swan wings as the hateful archangel Gabriel that something clicked into place, and it's been nothing but acolyte duty since. Thankfully she's proven her worth time and time and time and time and time again. And again. And again again. I just snoozed through Jim Jarmusch's The Limits of Control over the past two nights hoping for a couple more glimpses of her - far far too little her and far far too much Paz de la Huerta - and now I hold my breath in anticipation of what astonishments she'll deliver later this year with We Need To Talk About Kevin. Gimme gimme, I want it all.


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