Thursday 14 July 2011


I know that this news broke last night but I had things to do so I couldn't post about it until now, a full 12 hours later, and everybody's already forgotten everything 12 hours later, I think I might have lived a thousand lives since then. A thousand! But here we are, turning back time... if I could find a way, I'd take back those words... et cetera. God I need some caffeine in me, the nonsense-ometer is off the charts this morning. Anyway! This!

"Diablo Cody Is Rewriting the Evil Dead Remake

The long-awaited remake of The Evil Dead is finally happening, and it's got some intriguing talents attached. Ghost House Pictures announced today that up-and-coming director Fede Alvarez so impressed Sam Raimi with his recent short Panic Attack! that Raimi gave him the go-ahead to remake his 1981 low-budget horror classic; what's more, Diablo Cody is currently working on the rewrite, suggesting that Alvarez's version might incorporate some of the humor that Raimi tapped into in later installments Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness."

This might be the awesomest news of all time. Now all they have to do is hire Dominic Cooper to play twins that shower together and this will officially be the greatest awesomest news of all time. Seriously though - Diablo? If you're there, ear to the ether, hear me: Find a way for Bruce Campbell to be in this. I know you can do it!


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