Wednesday 13 July 2011

Quote of the Day

It must be so weird to be one of the guys from True Blood. Or any pop culture sex symbol, really - I'm sure they get laid pretty regularly, so not weird bad obviously, but the way they themselves seem to guide this TV Guide interview towards talk of cock-socks and homoerotic bonding makes you realize how aware they are of their audience and how willing they are to exploit it... it being themselves. At least they're not assholes about it and seem to be having fun. Here's my favorite bit:

TV GUIDE MAGAZINE: Joe, when you came in on the third season, was there an initiation?

JOE: The new guy on a show can feel like an outsider. There can be egos and things like that. But Anna was completely friendly, welcoming. Still, the guys won't let me make eye contact.

STEPHEN: I make him get on his knees so we're eye-to-eye.

JOE: But I guess the initiation would be wearing the "sock" [a wardrobe item that protects an actor's modesty in a nude scene].

ALEX: I put it on him. [Laughs] Someone had to show him, you know?


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