Monday 11 July 2011

I Am Link

--- Swimming With Fassy - Michael Fassbender has joined every other Irishman actor in existence in the cast of Brendan Gleeson's adaptation of Flann O’Brien’s 1939 novel At-Swim-Two-Birds. I am not familiar with this novel, but here's the world's briefest description:

"The story follows a teenage student who populates his creative writing with important characters from his own life." 

Has anyone read the book? I should read it probably, shouldn't I? The way all the articles speak of it I feel ashamed not being familiar with it actually. Me = flop. 

--- Speaking o' Fassy, have you ever wondered what it'd be like to have sex with him? HA what a question. Well over at FF Simone points us in the direction of a burlesque performer's NSFW blog entry about her day spent shooting a (simulated, duh)  threesome sex scene with him for the film Shame, his reunion with Hunger director Steve McQueen. Point of lurid interest:

"our scenes with Michael were totally intense! I'll just say that whoever he is dating (I heard its Zoe Kravitz), is most definitely not disappointed with, manliness."

I mean, anybody who's seen Hunger knows this already (link NSFW), but it's always a welcome reminder.

--- Ze Plane - Apparently there was word via Twitter (a tweet which has since been deleted, so who knows) over the weekend that Dominic Cooper had joined the cast of a Hervé Villechaize bio-pic, which is starring Peter Dinklage (who looks nothing like Hervé, height aside). It's called My Dinner With Hervé and Cooper's apparently playing a journalist who interviews the Fantasy Island star about his life, which probably had more to it than shouting, "Ze plane, ze plane!" for a couple of years, right?

--- Crazy Girl - I'd pretty much given up on bothering with seeing John Carpenter's The Ward, the reviews were so foul and Im so tired of watching the great horror directors losing this grip, but now that Pax has admitted to some appreciation for the film (save the ending, which apparently everyone agrees is most foul of all) I'm feeling more inclined than I had been.

--- Planet of the Rapes - James Franco would like you to know that he's not a gay rapist, thank you very much.

--- Eyes Wide Shout - Glenn tells us all the movies he's seeing over the course of the Melbourne International Film Festival over the next couple of weeks. 59 movies! Egads. Bets of luck, man. That sounds painful. I mean, he's seeing all sorts of awesomeness - most jealous over Lars Von Trier's Meloncholia and Ti West's The Innkeepers, probably - so that'll help presumably. But that's a lot of stimuli for that amount of time.

--- Hour of the Wolf - Arbogast looks back at Brotherhood of the Wolf which is apparently ten years old - god that makes me feel old, that movies I saw here in NYC are having 10 year anniversaries now - and which I need to revisit myself having not seen it since.

--- Solar Flair - It's nothing new really if you're familiar with the books but in an interview at AICN with James Purefoy (mmm James Purefoy) they got him to talk a little bit about his character in John Carter (have they renamed it just JC yet?) and what the filming was like. A little bit.

"The character is called Kantos Kahn and he is the admiral of the Xavarin, which is a gigantic sort of ship. But in the John Carter world, these ships fly through the air and are powered by solar panels, so they go very, very fast when it’s very, very sunny, and they slow down a little bit when it’s cloudy."

There is more than that if you click over; I just liked that random comment - obviously this will play into the story at some point given in lieu of much more about his character. Oh he's a dude whose ship goes too slow sometimes. Acting!


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