Wednesday 20 July 2011

I Am Link

--- Ash Rises - Bruce Campbell's been confirmed to cameo or something in the Evil Dead remake or reboot or reimagining or whatever. That is a good thing. Very. BD has a couple quotes from the director Federico Alvarez that also attempt to head everyone's pre-panic off. Alongside Diablo Cody working on the script, these are all good signs for a project I never wanted to see happen, and I've gotta admit my abhorrence has leapt right past curiosity into I will most likely see this thing.

--- Cool Chick Alert - Speaking of horror movie cameos involving old horror movie properties stretching their limbs here well into the new millenium, Marilyn effin' Burns has a role of some sort in the latest Texas Chainsaw movie. Marilyn Burns! That's Sally Hardesty aka the final girl of Tobe Hooper's original film for all you no-nothings.

--- Tree Mama - Jessica Chastain, who looked lovely standing there while the movie whispered at her in Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life, is maybe going to star in a Guillermo Del Toro-produced horror flick called Mama. I've never heard of the original short film, but the same director's extending that to feature length. Twitch says the original is fantastic, so I must watch it.

--- Twas Beauty - Speaking of Guillermo Del Toro-produced horror movies, he's attached himself to a new version of Beauty and the Beast that is set to star the lovely Emma Watson. What, Beastly wasn't enough for him? Anyway I didn't even realize it until he came in he bathroom and gave me a thumbs up but Guillermo Del Toro apparently executive produced my bowel movement this morning, too.

--- Burning Hunger - I could just post the fiery motion poster for The Hunger Games movie, but I'd rather link to Nat's annoyed yelps at it at The Film Experience because they're amusing.

--- Oh Boy Wizard - Curious about what got left on the cutting room floor or what they never shot in the latest and last Harry Potter film? io9 got the word from director David Yates himself. It's been so long since I read the book I turned to the boyfriend after the film and was all, "I'd completely forgotten that Snape and McGonagall duel briefly!" Turns out they didn't, and that scene was added to the film. My brains, useless.

--- And finally, there's the new poster for 30 Minutes or Less, the bank-robbery comedy starring Jesse Eisenberg and Danny McBride, plus those other two I am too lazy to write all their names out this morning even though this sentence is taking so much longer god make me stop. How have I not mentioned this movie before, is my point? It's from the director of the spotty but fun Zombieland. Of course you know all this because it's written in gigantic letters there on the poster. Anyway word's good on this movie? It's out August 12th.


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