Monday 18 July 2011


... that Kevin Costner would make for an excellent bad guy. His aw-shucks persona's always been tempered with a cocky dim-bulb swagger that seemed possible of turning poisonous. And apparently Quentin Tarantino saw it too! Me and Quentin, peas in a pod. We're practically the same person, my god. Via Deadline:

"Quentin Tarantino never has trouble putting together good casts for his films, but his Sergio Leone-style Spaghetti Western Django Unchained is turning out to be quite something. Kevin Costner is in negotiations to join a cast that is headed by Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson and Leonardo DiCaprio. Costner is in talks to play Ace Woody, and it's a real surprise turn for an actor most associated with good guy roles. He's the sadistic trainer of the male fighting slaves who entertain the white patrons of Candyland as well as the female slaves who are forced to be prostitutes."


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