Friday 15 July 2011


I've gotten several emails slash notices this week about the sudden revelation of hotness by Matthew "Neville Longbottom" Lewis, which has amused me. Not because I don't agree that he's both very cute now and it was also sort of unexpected and sudden - granted, I really hadn't been paying attention - but just the volume of it. It was all over this week!

Course everything Harry Potter was all over everything this week. I actually saw hooded figures running through the subway last night and became afraid I was about to become part of some ritualized sacrifice until I realized they were wearing Potter robes and were way too nerdy to be scared of. (Bless their nerdy hearts.)

Anyway in honor of Mr. Lewis' torrent of tap-that-ass goodwill, we see fit to ask this here question. And I think we should apply this to either or, or both if you want to, the actors and the characters. Which of this trio would you slip under the invisible cloak with for a lifetime of loving (Marry, that is), which would just yank the wand of for one fitful night of Potterized passion (Do, that is), and which would get the cruel Expelliarmus spell right outta your life (Dump, that is)?

Ronald Weasley / Rupert Grint 

Daniel Radcliffe / Harry Potter

Neville Longbottom / Matthew Lewis

So let 'er rip in the comments,
ya bunch of filthy Deatheaters.


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