Sunday, 31 July 2011
Saturday, 30 July 2011
I've been a fan of Andrew Niccol's since Gattica. His new movie, In Time, sounds good. I'm hoping it is.
"Writen & Directed by Andrew Niccol 'In Time' is set in a futuristic society in which aging can be stopped/controlled. As a result, time becomes the preferred form of currency."
Are Violent Video Games Preparing Kids for the Post-Apocalyptic Future?
0 comments Posted by VA at 13:22I haven't stopped laughing yet! Awesome!
Looks kind of fun. But I think I need more than racing and crashing.
This is pretty sweet. Very ambitious.
Here's a nifty little alien invasion movie from YouTube.
Friday, 29 July 2011

--- Live Longer Than Prosper - It is straight up ridiculous that they haven't even finished a script for a second Star Trek movie, ain't it? There's taking your time to come up with a good idea and then there's just being lazy. LAZY! I know lazy, after all. AICN has a little word on where things are right now and it's not gonna be until at least Summer of 2013 they're guessing. Quinto needs the work, JJ!

--- Call Him Tarry - Terry Gilliam is working on an adaptation of Paul Auster's book Mr. Vertigo
. I have never read this book, but I like to hear that Terry Gilliam is working on something. Maybe he'll even get to turn his ideas into a movie for once! Imagine that.

Our Brit brethren probably know Mr. Kazinsky from a hole in the ground, unlike me who only became aware of him this morning when I saw he'd been cast in Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim (as has Willem Dafoe!) fighting giant monsters and robots opposite Charlie Hunnam and Idris Elba - Kazinsky is straight outta Brighton and was on EastEnders for awhile. Recently he got cast in The Hobbit as one of the thirteen hundred dwarfs, but had to back out for ominous sounding "medical reasons." Hopefully he's alright - must be, since he's signed on for Pacific Rim now. The first thing I stumbled upon when looking him up was this:
Obviously it snowballed from there. Pacific Rim is just gonna be bursting with eye candy! Hit the jump to see a dozen or so more pictures of Rob and his sexy little furry ginger self.
Labels: Charlie Hunnam, gratuitous, Guillermo del Toro, horror, Peter Jackson
Labels: birthdays, gratuitous, Stephen Dorff
Morning pictures are piling up! I'd already planned to post the pictures I posted of furry Mads yesterday so these pictures of Eddie lounging around had to wait until today. These pictures make me mad anyway, they're way too teasingly covered up.
Move your damn hands, man! There are a lot more at JJ but they're all the same, and not a hint of his ass anywhere to be seen. When I ask for Eddie Cibiran I've got one thing on my mind, people! God, it's not rocket science. There's a behind-the-scenes video at Towleroad as well if you wanna see him in motion.
Labels: Eddie Cibrian, gratuitous
Thursday, 28 July 2011
I don't know what to think about this. I know Cameron slammed it, but he should know you can't make an original story blockbuster unless you're James Cameron. So marketing ties aside, it looks kind of fun.

"Sarah is an 18-year-old girl who also happens to be the Greek Goddess, Athena. She must embrace her destiny and take on her own family, the gods, in order to stop them from destroying mankind."
It's a terrific read - if you like Joss Whedon this'll very much be your bag - and now I want more. More! You can buy it over here, or via the link above. But my friend wasn't done there - he got to chat with Headache's writer Lisa Joy recently and was kind enough to share said chat with us exclusively.

What’s the one thing you’d tell someone who think comics aren’t cool?Lisa Joy: BAM! POW! SHAZAM! How ya like 'em now f@ck$rs!Growing up, Marvel or DC?Joy: Neither. I'm a late bloomer. Didn't have my comic book awakening until my mid-20s.Joy: The Comedian. No means no, douchebag.In an all-companies crossover, can you assemble your ultimate five-hero team?Joy: Catwoman, Buffy, Jean Grey, She-Hulk, and my gal Sarah Pallas (aka Athena). They'd kick ass and get along like a house on fire. And once a month there'd be peace on earth - bad guys would know better than to mess with super women with synced up cycles.Who’s got the stupidest costume of any hero or villain?Joy: For women, Wonder Woman. Anyone who's ever rocked a bustier knows they're asphyxiating torture devices. And nip slips would be a real problem when fighting crime.For men, Ant-Man - He has a helmet that controls ants. 'Nuf said.Have you ever had a story or character rejected by an editor? What/who was it?Joy: Right now, I'm batting 1,000. But "Headache" was my virgin attempt. So there's plenty of time to fail.Which are the best and worst comicbook movie adaptations?Joy: For best - "Dark Knight" and not just because I'm hitched to the writer. For worst - whaddya take me for - someone who never wants to work in this town again?
What's the project you're most excited about right now?Joy: My USA pilot "Mind Fields" and some very cool stuff in the works for "Headache".What would be your dream project to work on?Joy: Ant-Man. The musical.What’s been your strangest Comic Con/convention experience?Joy: Looking out over a sea of cylons, caped crusaders, and storm troopers and realizing - I'm home!
If you were going to do Cosplay, who would you dress up as?What do you read for fun?Joy: Lots of explosives and ballistics research for "Burn Notice" which probably has me on a government watch list.Who is your favorite writer?Joy: The one I married.What do you do for fun?Joy: Chew Nicorette and kick ass. But I'm almost out of Nicorette.
(interview by Savas Abadsidis; photo credit: John Chapple)
Labels: buffy, Christopher Nolan, Pushing Daisies
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